To help you find answers to the questions you ask most, we've provided details below so you can quickly find the information you need.
Lost property – what do I do if I leave something on one of your buses?
Head to https://www.gonortheast.co.uk/lost-property-faqs for everything you need to know about lost property.
Bus timetables – how can I find the timetable for my bus?
All of the latest timetables and interactive maps can be found on our website. You can also view live times on our website or on the Go North East app.
Tickets & fares – how much will my bus ticket cost?
You can view information fares and tickets information on our website. If you’re travelling regularly you can save money with our weekly or monthly options.
Tickets & fares – do you have any discounts for young people?
Yes, discounted tickets are available for everyone aged from 5 up to and including 25, as part of our 5 to 25 ticket range.
Journey planning – how can I get from A to B?
If you’re looking at making a journey that you don’t usually make, or you’re completely new to bus travel, you can use our handy journey planner and you’ll be on your way in no time at all.
Service updates – how do I find out if my service is going to be affected by any diversions or roadworks?
The latest information can be found on our service updates page which includes details of planned roadworks and diversions across the region, including which services they will affect.
Accessibility – are your buses accessible?
Yes, all our buses are accessible. Our services provide easy access for all passengers through the provision of kneeling low floor and ramp access buses. Should a wheelchair user be unable to travel with us, a complimentary taxi will be arranged as per our Easy Access Guarantee. Our website also had additional accessibility features, with ‘talking’ software that translates the text to speech and the site can also be viewed in high colour contrast schemes and enlarged text. On our vehicles, we are extending our audio-visual ‘next stop’ announcements to more services.
Animals – can I travel with my pet?
We welcome and encourage assistance dogs on our buses and coaches and they are carried and welcome aboard at all times. We would ask you, though, to ensure you comply with any reasonable instruction given by the bus driver whilst you and your dog are on board. A maximum of two dogs at any time are normally allowed on any of our buses but this will be subject to the discretion of the driver. Similarly, if you wish to travel with two or more dogs, you will need permission from the driver. Other dogs (or a small animal) are welcome at the discretion of our drivers and, if they are permitted on board, they must be well behaved and of no danger or nuisance to other customers or our employees. Dogs can be dangerous so, where appropriate, they must travel in accordance with the Dangerous Dogs Act. We reserve the right to ask you to leave the vehicle with your animal at any time if the driver feels that the animal in question is a danger to the driver, the passengers or you. We make no charge for the carriage of dogs and small animals.
How do I find the latest news and information about Go North East?
We regularly update the news section on our website. You can also sign up for our e-mails by downloading our app and setting up an account.