
Fully accessible bus services that are easy to use

  • Go North East has a passion for customer service and innovation and is committed to providing the best possible service for all of our customers, above and beyond what is legally required.
  • We work hard to ensure that any customer with a disability, be it visual impairment or mobility issues, receives the best possible service.
  • All our regular services now provide easy access for all passengers through the provision of kneeling low floor and ramp access buses.

Easy Access Guarantee

  • Our ‘Easy Access Guarantee' provides the added reassurance that, should a problem occur and a wheelchair user is unable to board, a complimentary taxi will be arranged.
  • Our website has ‘talking’ software that translates the text to speech and the site can also be viewed in high colour contrast schemes and enlarged text. On our vehicles, we are extending our audio-visual ‘next stop’ announcements to more services.
  • Customer feedback over the years has helped us to improve the accessibility of our services and of the information we provide.
  • Our aim is to provide easy access services for all passengers who have disabilities, as well as to support and assist anyone who requires it, making our services easier and more enjoyable to use for all of our customers.