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Viewing the timetable for service 60

Sunderland to Parkside
via Grangetown, Ryhope, New Seaham, Seaham and Dawdon. Services 61, 62, 62A and 63 also provide frequent departures between Sunderland and Grangetown.
  • Short notice journey cancellations

    12th May 2022 - 27th Oct 2023

    Some journey may be cancelled at short notice.

    We'll aim to provide as much notice as possible with our dedicated page updated around 6pm each evening ready for the following day. We recommend that you keep checking back for updates as we may manage to cover further journeys.

    You can view our cancellations by clicking on the title of this update. If you're using our app, please click on the link shown below.

  • Consultation on proposed service changes

    16th - 31st May 2022

    We are proposing to make some changes to services from 24 July.

    Help us shape the future of our bus network by completing our consultation survey by 31 May.

    You can view our consultation by clicking on the title of this update. If you're using our app, please click on the link shown below.

Route map

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Sorry, there aren't any timetables available for this date.

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