Viewing the timetable for service Red Kite Ranger 47
Short notice journey cancellations
12th May 2022 - 27th Oct 2023
Some journey may be cancelled at short notice.
We'll aim to provide as much notice as possible with our dedicated page updated around 6pm each evening ready for the following day. We recommend that you keep checking back for updates as we may manage to cover further journeys.
You can view our cancellations by clicking on the title of this update. If you're using our app, please click on the link shown below. -
Services revert to normal stands in the evening at Consett bus station
1st - 31st Jul 2022
Following a successful campaign working alongside Durham County Council & Durham Constabulary, there has been a reduction in anti-social behaviour in Consett bus station.
With effect from 1st July 2022, the measures in place restricting the number of stands in use will no longer be required and buses will revert to using their normal stands all day. -
Fares and tickets from 24 July
5th - 26th Jul 2022
Over the last couple of years, we’ve made various improvements to our range of fares and tickets based on your feedback, continuing to offer the best value for money that’s possible.
In that time, we’ve introduced flexible tickets, promotional summer offers that became permanent, discounted evening tickets, and our recently launched DUO tickets to name but a few.
Unfortunately, we are now at the point where we have carefully reviewed the cost of running our services, and we are reluctantly changing the prices of some fares and tickets from 24 July due to rising costs.
This is not a decision we have taken lightly, and we have kept price rises as low as we possibly can. Some tickets, such as our singles and returns, will remain cheaper than they were prior to July 2021, and some monthly tickets will have their prices frozen on our app.
You can view our full guide by clicking on the title of this update. If you're using our app, please click on the link shown below. -
7th - 26th Jul 2022
Following on from the consultation we held in May, we can now confirm final plans for our service changes which will come into effect from 24 July.
You can view our full guide by clicking on the title of this update. If you're using our app, please click on the link shown below.